Monday, January 31, 2011

the triple dog dare

well we want to learn to shop our closets. so, we're joining the 30 for 30 challenge. i'm shaking scared. i think sam is too.

you can read about kendi's 30 for 30 challenge here.

wish us luck.

Monday, January 24, 2011

love/hate monday edition.

love: free licorice any time i want
hate: it's only 1:54

love: making my student laugh uncontrollably just by saying "explosive diarrhea"
hate: explosive diarrhea

love: working with people that really care about their job
hate: people that constantly seek attention with their one-upping antics.

love: looking forward to walking the brut after work.
hate: he's outside today - all by his lonesome.

love: heytell
hate: arkansas

love: anthropologie's monday emails
hate: that we still have 5 more sleeps till saturday.

what do you love/hate this monday?

Friday, January 21, 2011

after my experience as a bride, this photo especially strikes me.  its amazing that
my grandma was able to have a private moment to herself amidst a room full of guests.

taking the wheel on her honeymoon.

pregnant with her 3rd son and looking ridiculously cute.

sailor grandpa

its 2pm and i'm finally resting on my lunch break.  what a day it has been.  the phone hasn't stopped ringing.  the issues have been weird and difficult to tackle.  working in the business world can feel so disconnecting; every man for himself.  its such a shame. 

i feel so much hope when i see these photos.  my grandparents have had a beautiful life and are still enjoying it together.  currently, they are on a roadtrip to ohio.  on days like today, i'm really thankful that these images can provide such perspective on a bleak friday. tgif


my grandparents, dad and uncles.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

tuesday is the new monday.

hi marissa.

life up here in fresno is good. this is my new perspective. it's a good thing we have a coffee shop on campus. endless supply of milky duds.

oh also, what time is dinner?

and also, i think YOU should 30 for 30.maybe i could 30 for 10. thats less intimidating.

hi sam. what are you wearing?

i think i've worn the same boots/tights combo for 3 weeks now.

how'd your office space turn out?

triple dog dare you to 30 for 30.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


i love that you married matt.

what a pair you two are.

we'll all be friends forever.

[you + matt] [me + jake]

maybe we will be neighbors and share a gate.

the boys will talk about sports.

we'll drink diet rootbeer.

love, marissa

p.s.  we'll do those things even if we aren't neighbors anyway.

p.p.s. trever hoehne
makes really great photos

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011

new year. new app.

happy new year. happy new apps. it's called IncrediBooth and it's baller. get it now, NOW!

let's decorate for 2011, soon?