so august is quickly approaching and my life, as we know it, will be thrust into the great wide oregon outdoors. we've known about this transition for a while, but the countdown has begun. i'm having a hard time believing that it's actually happening.
as my time at my job is coming to the end, i'm becoming more emotional about this process than i care to be. i have started saying good bye to students, redistributing my work load, and i wasn't prepared for this to happen so soon. i was convinced i would wait until june 16, pack up my things in a small box, and it would just be over. boy was i wrong.
so, in order for my processing to continue i thought i'd document the top 10 things that i will miss about my job (one bad day and it's all downhill)
10. the flaky pastries at staff break every friday at 10am
9. having fridays off during the summer and almost 2 weeks at christmas
8. higher education
7. working in the admissions office - i wouldn't work anywhere else on campus
6. having my cell phone paid for
5. being a part of a family's journey
4. working with my student workers
3. my co-workers
2. working in THE125 & with one of my best friends (she has the cutest babies)
1. working at a place that strives to honor the Lord
so that's that. the countdown continues and soon enough i'll be starting a new adventure in a new place.